The school admits students with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP’s), statements of Special Educational Needs or, in some specific cases, those within the assessment process. The school offers full time education to students with social, emotional and mental health difficulties, including ASD. However, all of our students are characterised by their vulnerability. Their behavioural problems are secondary, often caused by their other difficulties, and are usually not their primary need.
Referrals are made through the Local Authorities’ Special Needs Department, following an annual review. The SEN department will approach us if, in their opinion, we may be able to meet the needs of the student. This is often following a decision that the student’s needs are not being met within their current placement, or in some cases where a student is unable or unwilling to access their current placement.
Once the Authority has referred a case to us, the parents will be invited to view the school and we will be sent the relevant paperwork to look at. We have an Admissions Panel who meet once a week and will decide if they think we are able to meet the student’s needs. If so, we will send an expression of interest to the authority and invite the parents to look around the school. If the parents are happy with the school, then the student will be invited along to look around.
A representative from our school will also try to visit the student in their current setting, if this is possible or appropriate. If the family and LA decide to proceed with the application, the admissions team will make a final decision and a formal offer of a school place will be made to the authority.
Final decisions regarding admissions are based on all information gathered or provided and successful visits taking place. Lack of adequate information may lead to a refusal of placement as we will be unable to make a confident judgement as to whether we could meet the student’s needs. All offers are conditional on relevant paperwork and information being provided or completed before the student starts at the school and no transition will begin until the school has received written acceptance of the placement from the authority.
All students are integrated slowly into the school, to enable them to settle into the routine and to cause as little disruption as possible to the current students. This can take up to 6 weeks but is taken at the child’s pace. We will offer a phased entry plan based on the child’s age and previous level of attendance.
For enquiries or referrals, please email or telephone 01652 654251.