Uniform Information

Demeter House School Uniform Policy

Having a school uniform promotes a sense of belonging and school pride amongst the students. It helps them to feel more equal and helps to set high expectations from the beginning. We understand that some of our students have sensory issues or needs and we have kept our uniform requirements to a minimum to help with this. We also recognise the importance of feeling comfortable and ready to work. However, we still feel that having a uniform is important in preparing students for employment dress codes in later life and we therefore ask for parents’ support in ensuring that students are dressed correctly and appropriately according to the policy below.

PLEASE NOTE:  Hooded sweatshirts or tops of any description are not allowed in school for any student. Students wearing them will be asked to remove them.

The school banned the wearing of hooded sweatshirts in 2015, due to safety concerns and also because they are often used as a way of ignoring social interaction or as a barrier to effective communication, which is something we work hard to encourage our students to develop. Any student wearing a hooded sweatshirt or jacket will be asked to remove it and may be moved to work away from their peers if they refuse.

School uniform can be purchased directly through our online supplier. Please click here to see the range of approved items.

If your child has a specific sensory need, we are happy to discuss this with you. Please contact our Family Support Officer, Racheal Douce, and she will be able to reach an appropriate agreement with you.


Demeter House School Uniform Policy

Tops Bottoms Footwear PE Kit Other Equipment
KS1, 2 &  3 (Y1-9): School logo sweatshirt or T-shirt.

KS4 & Sixth Form (Y10-14):

Students are expected to look ‘work ready’ and dress smartly.

Plain coloured sweatshirt and/or T-shirt with no logos larger than 10cm or patterns. Students may still choose to wear the school uniform if they wish.

All students:

smart trousers or jogging bottoms. 

Shorts are acceptable in warm weather but should be an appropriate length and fit. 

All students:

Sensible flat shoes or trainers in plain colours and with no logo

A second pair of indoor shoes is also recommended in case the grass or field is wet or muddy. 

All students:

Plain blue or white T-shirt and plain blue shorts.

Any student who is participating in the Outdoor Education or Horticulture courses will need sturdy shoes or wellington boots, suitable for muddy activities. 
Hooded sweatshirts or tops of any description are not allowed in school for safety reasons. Students wearing them will be asked to remove them. Must be appropriate and plain coloured with no logos except school one. Students may be unable to do PE if they do not have a change of shoes on wet days. Parents may supply PE kit or school has some spare. T-shirts and shorts must have no slogans or logos except the school logo. The school will provide overalls.


  • School logo sweatshirts and T-shirts are available from school’s approved supplier at a very reasonable cost and a top with the school logo on must be worn in school at all times by students up to and including Y9. 
  • The school banned the wearing of hooded sweatshirts or tops in 2015, following a safety issue and because they are often used as a way of ignoring social interaction or as a barrier to effective communication. Students wearing a hooded sweatshirt or jacket will be asked to remove it.
  • Trousers or jogging bottoms are acceptable for wear but these must be appropriate for the student’s likely/timetabled activities. 
  • Importantly, students’ clothing should be comfortable but practical. Students may bring soft-soled shoes or slippers to wear inside school. Shoes must have closed toes and heels for safety reasons.
  • The school understands that some students bring their mobile phones and mp3 players to use in the transport. However, for legal safeguarding reasons, these must be switched off and handed in at the main office before morning registration, where they will be kept securely until the end of the day. The school accepts no responsibility for any damage or loss of such items and students must hand them in when asked or we retain the right to search. 


**Parents/carers, please note: Students who refuse to follow the school’s uniform policy will be offered the opportunity to change into spare uniform on arrival in school. If they do not, you may be asked to bring their uniform into school for them or collect them from school. Students will not be allowed off school premises on trips or activities if they are not wearing correct uniform.


NB: The school accepts no responsibility for any jewellery items brought into school as these should not be worn for health and safety reasons. Students may wear a watch if they wish but it is their own responsibility and must be removed for PE and other practical activities.